What is this?

In part 2 (to be uploaded), I show my actual example report analysing farmers markets in Iowa. So you can see what I would actually submit in the next section.

These are my background workings - all my text are things I might think in my head, you don’t need to write all of this. But I hope you can follow this and do something similar for your own work.

1. Set up and libraries

My example tutorial is set in Iowa on farmers markets. First, set up libraries


2. Read in the data

Now I will read in my data, on farmers markets in Iowa. Sometimes adding in the na option helps R recognise missing values, so I will try that.

IA_market   <- readxl::read_excel("./Data/Farmers_Markets_Iowa.xlsx",na="NA")
##  [1] "X"           "Y"           "FID"         "City"        "County"     
##  [6] "Location"    "Market_Name" "Open_Dates"  "Open_Hours"  "State"      
## [11] "Weekday"

OK, I can see I have the columns above and when I click on the IA_market name in the Environment tab I can see more details. First, I’ll take a quick look at the summary.

##        X                 Y              FID            City          
##  Min.   :-999.00   Min.   :37.29   Min.   :  1.0   Length:175        
##  1st Qu.: -94.37   1st Qu.:41.36   1st Qu.: 44.5   Class :character  
##  Median : -93.18   Median :41.71   Median : 88.0   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   : -98.37   Mean   :41.86   Mean   : 88.0                     
##  3rd Qu.: -91.69   3rd Qu.:42.48   3rd Qu.:131.5                     
##  Max.   : -87.12   Max.   :43.43   Max.   :175.0                     
##  NA's   :3         NA's   :5                                         
##     County            Location         Market_Name         Open_Dates       
##  Length:175         Length:175         Length:175         Length:175        
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##   Open_Hours           State             Weekday         
##  Length:175         Length:175         Length:175        
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  

3. Initial quality control

From the summary above, I can see some weird issues.

3.1. Problem with X

Hmm there is a very small longitude value in X that can’t exist

# get rid of the row with the weird value
# I could also set it to NA
IA_market <- IA_market[which(IA_market$X > -990),]

# and print the summary
##        X                Y        
##  Min.   :-96.56   Min.   :37.29  
##  1st Qu.:-94.34   1st Qu.:41.36  
##  Median :-93.10   Median :41.70  
##  Mean   :-93.11   Mean   :41.85  
##  3rd Qu.:-91.69   3rd Qu.:42.48  
##  Max.   :-87.12   Max.   :43.43  
##                   NA's   :5

OK that looks better.

2. Remove all the rows with missing locations

I know I don’t need any row with missing location data, so let’s remove

IA_market <- IA_market[complete.cases(IA_market$X), ]

IA_market <- IA_market[complete.cases(IA_market$Y), ]

4. Choose Columns

I don’t need all this data, so let’s keep things neat.

I quite like the glimpse function from tidyverse for this. Here are my columns (same as name command)

## Rows: 166
## Columns: 11
## $ X           <dbl> -95.13766, -91.17124, -95.74293, -93.68677, -93.92560, -91…
## $ Y           <dbl> 43.36571, 40.81963, 41.04704, 41.61103, 40.62401, 40.53341…
## $ FID         <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,…
## $ City        <chr> "Arnolds Park", "West Burlington", "Glenwood", "Des Moines…
## $ County      <chr> "DICKINSON", "DES MOINES", "MILLS", "POLK", "DECATUR", "LE…
## $ Location    <chr> "Arnolds Park", "609 S. Gear Avenue", "418 E Sharp St", "4…
## $ Market_Name <chr> "Akron Farmers Market", "Ames - North Grand Farmers Market…
## $ Open_Dates  <chr> "06/28/2018 - 09/13/2018", "06/16/2018 - 10/27/2018", "05/…
## $ Open_Hours  <chr> "04:30 PM - 06:30 PM", "09:00 AM - 12:00 PM", "04:00 PM - …
## $ State       <chr> "IA", "IA", "IA", "IA", "IA", "IA", "IA", "IA", "IA", "IA"…
## $ Weekday     <chr> "Thursday", "Saturday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Wednesda…
  • I know from google that FID is a federal identifier that might be useful, so I’ll keep that.
  • Looking at the data, “location” is the full address, so let’s remove that.
  • All the data is in Iowa, so let’s remove State
  • Open_Hours and Open Dates feels too complicated, so i’m removing them
IA_market <- IA_market[,c("X","Y","FID",
##        X                Y              FID             City          
##  Min.   :-96.56   Min.   :37.29   Min.   :  1.00   Length:166        
##  1st Qu.:-94.24   1st Qu.:41.36   1st Qu.: 44.25   Class :character  
##  Median :-93.10   Median :41.70   Median : 85.50   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :-93.07   Mean   :41.85   Mean   : 85.81                     
##  3rd Qu.:-91.67   3rd Qu.:42.48   3rd Qu.:126.75                     
##  Max.   :-87.12   Max.   :43.43   Max.   :175.00                     
##     County          Market_Name          Weekday         
##  Length:166         Length:166         Length:166        
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  

5. Create families of grouped data

Some of my data like market name is going to be unique to each market. Others like weekday could be considered data groups/families. In R this is called a factor.

To know the difference, I am thinking about whether it is useful to make a summary table of counts for that value


IA_market$City <- as.factor(IA_market$City)
IA_market$County <- as.factor(IA_market$County)
IA_market$Weekday <- as.factor(IA_market$Weekday)

Now when I summarise, I can immediately see that there are 12 markets on Fridays.

##        X                Y              FID                   City    
##  Min.   :-96.56   Min.   :37.29   Min.   :  1.00   Des Moines  :  7  
##  1st Qu.:-94.24   1st Qu.:41.36   1st Qu.: 44.25   Davenport   :  5  
##  Median :-93.10   Median :41.70   Median : 85.50   Cedar Rapids:  4  
##  Mean   :-93.07   Mean   :41.85   Mean   : 85.81   Ottumwa     :  4  
##  3rd Qu.:-91.67   3rd Qu.:42.48   3rd Qu.:126.75   Ames        :  3  
##  Max.   :-87.12   Max.   :43.43   Max.   :175.00   Atlantic    :  3  
##                                                    (Other)     :140  
##         County    Market_Name             Weekday  
##  POLK      : 11   Length:166         Friday   :12  
##  LINN      :  8   Class :character   Monday   :10  
##  BLACK HAWK:  7   Mode  :character   Saturday :52  
##  SCOTT     :  7                      Sunday   : 3  
##  MARION    :  5                      Thursday :33  
##  DES MOINES:  4                      Tuesday  :25  
##  (Other)   :124                      Wednesday:31

6. Rename columns

I know my X and Y data are really latitude and longitude, so I will rename them. to make sure I don’t mess up, lots of printing out

## [1] "X"
names(IA_market)[1] <- "Longitude" 
## [1] "Longitude"
## [1] "Y"
names(IA_market)[2] <- "Latitude" 
## [1] "Latitude"
##    Longitude         Latitude          FID                   City    
##  Min.   :-96.56   Min.   :37.29   Min.   :  1.00   Des Moines  :  7  
##  1st Qu.:-94.24   1st Qu.:41.36   1st Qu.: 44.25   Davenport   :  5  
##  Median :-93.10   Median :41.70   Median : 85.50   Cedar Rapids:  4  
##  Mean   :-93.07   Mean   :41.85   Mean   : 85.81   Ottumwa     :  4  
##  3rd Qu.:-91.67   3rd Qu.:42.48   3rd Qu.:126.75   Ames        :  3  
##  Max.   :-87.12   Max.   :43.43   Max.   :175.00   Atlantic    :  3  
##                                                    (Other)     :140  
##         County    Market_Name             Weekday  
##  POLK      : 11   Length:166         Friday   :12  
##  LINN      :  8   Class :character   Monday   :10  
##  BLACK HAWK:  7   Mode  :character   Saturday :52  
##  SCOTT     :  7                      Sunday   : 3  
##  MARION    :  5                      Thursday :33  
##  DES MOINES:  4                      Tuesday  :25  
##  (Other)   :124                      Wednesday:31

7. Make a spatial version

OK I know my data is in Lat/Long, so when I make it spatial, I include the crs code 4326 (yours is almost certainly likely to be the same)

# I know that it was in lat/long originally, hence the crs
IA_market.sf <- st_as_sf(IA_market,

# make a quick plot

8. More quality control

You can see in the plot above that there appears to be one point that is not in Iowa. So now I will look at the long/lat columns. I can also filter my data in the View tab.

Note i’m doing this on the original data not the sf.

##    Longitude         Latitude    
##  Min.   :-96.56   Min.   :37.29  
##  1st Qu.:-94.24   1st Qu.:41.36  
##  Median :-93.10   Median :41.70  
##  Mean   :-93.07   Mean   :41.85  
##  3rd Qu.:-91.67   3rd Qu.:42.48  
##  Max.   :-87.12   Max.   :43.43

I feel that maybe that point at Long ~ -88 is wrong. Let’s take a look.

IA_market[IA_market$Longitude > -90,]

I’m guessing there’s a typo - so I could just google this and fix it! but for now, let’s remove and try again.

# choose all the other ones, note the <= instead of >
IA_market <- IA_market[which(IA_market$Longitude < -90),]

IA_market.sf <- st_as_sf(IA_market,coords=c("Longitude","Latitude"),

# make a quick plot

Much better. Now let’s change to a local map projection of my choice.I am choosing UTM Iowa from Tutorial 9.

# And change to a map projection of your choice. 
IA_market.sf.utm <- st_transform(IA_market.sf,3744)

# make a quick plot

and let’s make it a ppp variable using spatstat. Looking good!

IA_market.ppp <- as.ppp(IA_market.sf.utm)